patient portal
Three Benefits of Having an Interactive User-Friendly Patient Portal
It’s been said that understanding users is the best way to know what to offer them. This may be a simple rule when it comes to the world of fast moving consumer goods but it also is true about the medical sector. Since the modernization of medicine, doctors have been trying to get their patients to engage with them well after the patient’s visit but this hasn’t been easy. Health IT came to bridge that gap and now, the CMS…
Three Ways to Get Your Patients to Engage With Your Patient Portal
Meaningful Use has been around for the past four years but healthcare entities are still struggling to attest to meaningful use. One of the primary challenges has to do with the patient engagement requirements laid out in MU. For instance, Stage One required that medical entities get at least 10% of all the patients they see during the period to at least once log into the EHR system after leaving the premises and review their details. Physicians complained that this…
Three Ideal Features of a Patient Portal Patients Will Love Using
With the government breathing down your neck to adopt technology to run your practice, and your staff and yourself having to spend too much time doing paperwork, running a paper-based practice can be overwhelming. These are all great reasons why you should consider an integrated ENT EHR platform to run your practice. It saves you time, money and a lot of stress. One of the integral parts of the EHR system you need to look for is a patient portal. This…