Medical Efficisency

Is Your EHR Really Boosting Your ENT Practice’s Efficiency and Productivity?

EHRs are designed to boost efficiency and productivity of practices that use them. This does not seem to be the case, at least according to a 2013 IDC Health Insights Report that was conducted where primary care providers and specialists were asked what their sentiments were towards their current electronic health record system.

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Of those polled, 58% of respondents were neutral, dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with their EHR. The report highlighted tasks doctors say they rely on EHRs most to accomplish. These tasks included:

  • Accessing patient data
  • Documenting care (coding and charting)
  • Electronic prescribing
  • Lab and diagnostic test results

Accessing Patient Data

Before HIT (health information technology) entered the scene, accessing patient data meant digging through files and papers to find the information you need. Information was frequently misplaced or lost altogether. Fast forward to today and EHR technology solves this problem, or does it? The EHR for your Otolaryngologist practice should make it simple to retrieve patient information.

Documenting Care (Coding and Charting)

Different EHRs offer different ways of coding and charting. Some offer transcription modules that work with dictation software such as Dragon Naturally Speaking, while others offer digital pen technology that input data as you write it down.

Besides these input methods, some EHRs have rules engines that help you when coding cases. They help you speed up the coding process and help ensure that the codes you use are compliant with what payers require.

On the charting front, great EHRs offer you ENT templates specifically designed for your practice, saving you time and effort you would otherwise need to customize them for yourself. With these features and benefits, such a system not only saves you and your staff time but makes it easy to serve patients quickly and effectively.

Electronic Prescribing

E-prescriptions are a huge thing these days. Doctors are advocating for it and patients love its convenience. But this isn’t always the case when using different EHRs. While some systems make the e-prescribing process easy and straightforward, some make the process needlessly complex. This can be attributed to usability issues from the vendor’s side. To avoid this, your EHR should offer easy-to-use e-prescribing features and functionality.

Lab and Diagnostic Test Results

Lab and diagnostic test results are another important function for otolaryngologists. If you have a system that does not support easy ordering, viewing and management of test results, then this will severely hamper your workflow. You need a system that manages this and all aspects of your practice workflow effectively and efficiently.

If your EHR is not helping to provide a more productive and efficient ear nose and throat practice, then it might be worth looking into whether you’ve chosen the right provider.

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