
May 15, 2017

Interoperability and HIE: What the Differences are and How They Contribute to the ENT Healthcare IT Environment

For starters, Interoperability is the ability of different information technology systems and software applications to communicate, exchange data, and use the information that has been exchanged.Health Information Exchange (HIE) refers to the process that allows two or more systems to exchange information and provides longitudinal access to that information. In its purist form, technology is not a requirement for these systems to operate.Both these systems will contribute as technology becomes more systematic in the healthcare system. The widespread adoption and use of…

May 5, 2017

EHR Interoperability – The Path to Improving ENT Practice Operations

Interoperability has become an integral component of healthcare and value-based delivery. In order to perform and meet the demands of new business models and guidelines, ENT providers need to leverage patient care information seamlessly across networks to ensure that their patients receive the best care in the most cost-effective and efficient environment. In many cases, an Otolaryngology office’s electronic health record platform doesn’t integrate properly with those of other physicians, pharmacies and healthcare facilities. For EHR information-sharing to work seamlessly,…