6 Ways to Prepare for MIPS Implementation in Your ENT Office
MIPS is sending out shock waves. And there’s no doubt, MIPS can be intimidating.But let’s face it, this probably isn’t your first experience with healthcare reform. Most ENT clinicians have managed to survive Meaningful Use, so there’s a good chance you can handle the Merit-based Incentive Payment System, better known as MIPS. Download Free Guide: Don't Let MACRA MIPS You in the ButtAn ENT clinician’s survival guide to MIPSTo survive in MIPS territory, you must wrap your head around these…
Is Your ENT Practice Ready For A New EHR?
Whether you are starting out with Electronic Health Records (EHR) to replace paper records or you are replacing an existing EHR system, finding the right solution can seem overwhelming. Planning your specific needs, goals and understanding the overall impact of a new EHR on your otolaryngology practice will make the transition process go smoother and increase your chance of success. Download 10 Implementation Mistakes to Avoid Here are four questions to keep in mind as you prepare your ENT practice…
For An Otolaryngologist EHR Implementation, Leadership Counts
Whether you are a solo practice or a large ENT clinic, it’s a challenge implementing an electronic health record (EHR) solution. What can make – or break – an EHR implementation starts at the top. Download 10 Implementation Mistakes to Avoid An EHR should be selected based on practice size, the system architecture, certifications and specialty-specific features unique to otolaryngology practices. Those features include, ENT notes and templates, ENT surgical workflow and practice management systems. The software you select should…
Three Benefits of Having an Interactive User-Friendly Patient Portal
It’s been said that understanding users is the best way to know what to offer them. This may be a simple rule when it comes to the world of fast moving consumer goods but it also is true about the medical sector. Since the modernization of medicine, doctors have been trying to get their patients to engage with them well after the patient’s visit but this hasn’t been easy. Health IT came to bridge that gap and now, the CMS…