Recent Posts
February 4, 2016

Five Technical ICD-10 Changes For ENTs In 2016

ICD-10 will be one of the largest healthcare changes since 1979 in the United States. This coding method describes your medical diagnoses, inpatient procedures and practice verified with clinical documentation. Many of the guidelines for ENTs will not change with the new ICD-10 codes. However, new codes are being added…

February 4, 2016

Three Signs Your ENT Practice Is Ready For An EHR Switch

For ENT practices that have an electronic health record (EHR), they often become used to that system. However, as time goes on, government rules and technology change. Has you EHR kept up? If not, it may turn out that familiarity is trumping functionality. If you recognize any of these three signs taking place in your…

February 4, 2016

Upgrading Your EHR? Here are Five Important Things to Consider

No matter how comprehensive and feature-rich a medical practice's EHR may be, there will come a point in which the system will have to be upgraded or replaced. According to industry experts, a substantial number of medical practices are currently operating with EHR systems that are outdated and functioning at…

February 4, 2016

Five Steps to Replacing or Upgrading Your EHR

If your ENT clinic or practice needs to change your electronic health records system (EHR), there are several important considerations before making a switch. The goal for an ENT EHR platform is described as ‘meaningful use.’ This means that accurate and timely information about patients can be available instantly across the…